Sven Luijten

Taylor Bennett: Restoration of an American Idol tour

1 minute to read

After seeing Chance 2 years prior, I got introduced to his brother's music. When I saw that he was doing a European tour sometime later, it was an instant buy for me. When waiting outside we saw Taylor come out and ask us where the nearest McDonald's was, which I thought was pretty cool.

There were maybe 50 people tops once the show was about to start. I felt kind of bad for the warmup act and Taylor, but it turned into a quite intimate show with an artist I liked, so I tried to ignore the kind of pathetic aspect of it all.

Taylor Bennett

I even got a photo and a little chat with the DJ and Taylor after the show, so that was nice! The small crowd managed to turn up the energy during Minimum Wage, which really stands out in my mind from the show.